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Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Billy Goat Trail
Local Retreat
February 12, 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Billy Goat Trail
Local Retreat
February 12, 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Billy Goat Trail
Local Retreat
February 12, 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Billy Goat Trail
Local Retreat
February 12, 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Costa Rica
Retreat Recap
June 22 - 27 2022
Billy Goat Trail
Local Retreat
February 12, 2022

We set the bar high with our previous successful retreat in Jamaica, but after our experience in gorgeous Costa Rica last week, it is safe to say that the Outrun Gravity Align with Intention Wellness Retreat was a journey we will cherish forever.

Our incredible group was comprised of singles and couples, strangers and friends, but by the end of it, we were all a family. It was a blast becoming immersed in the beautiful culture of Costa Rica, and in only a few short days together, we created a meaningful community of like-minded individuals and fostered relationships that we will carry with us even as we return to our normal lives.

We had the best time soaking up the incredible Costa Rican culture, so read on to learn about our exciting adventure in the stunning jungle and discover how you can get involved in our next retreat!

Day 1: Arrive and Replenish

From the moment we were picked up by our team at the airport we were overwhelmed by the beauty of Costa Rica. Having just come out of its rainy season, the nature in Costa Rica was unbelievably lush and green. We were escorted through the mountains in a shuttle and even elevated the experience by stopping at a fruit stand for fresh coconuts and watermelons.

When we arrived at the Los Altos de Eros villa where we stayed throughout the retreat, we were all equally enamored by the stunning architecture and incredible views over the jungle where we could observe monkeys playing among the treetops. We were warmly greeted at a welcoming event and were led through a reset yoga session by Julia, one of the owners of the property.

Stretching out our muscles after a long travel day was wonderful, especially when followed by the most delicious dinner prepared by a chef at the property who happens to be one of the best in Costa Rica! Each participant was then gifted a welcome bag and then was free to settle down for the night and get ready for another adventure in the morning.

Day 2: Move and Connect

We hit the ground running on day 2 in typical Outrun Gravity fashion. As a group, we went on the most incredible hike through the mountains which was the perfect way to begin our trip. We hiked through waterfalls and caves, and some of us were even daring enough to leap off cliff faces into the water below.

There were many opportunities for team building during our hike that served as an excellent ice breaker as we got to know each other. At times, we had to link arms as we hiked through rivers with strong currents, teaching us to trust each other as we worked together as a team.

Following the hike, we ate a delicious lunch and returned to the hotel to rest. That evening, we reconnected for a tasty three-course dinner of amazing Costa Rican food that was incredibly satisfying after a long, physical day.

Day 3: Align and Explore

We were ready to engage in the fitness component of our retreat this morning by starting with an awesome strength training workout with resistance led by Coach Courtney. All of the participants loved the experience and achieved an honorable burn that was appropriately awarded a delicious fresh breakfast.

Following the workout, participants had the freedom to engage in whichever leisurely activity they felt drawn to. Many people enjoyed a rejuvenating spa experience at the famous Los Eros de Altos spa, while others hit the town for some shopping.

One of the highlights of the trip was our cooking class by the main chef at the villa who guided us through the process of preparing our own traditional Costa Rican dinners. After sharing a meal, we spent the evening laughing and bonding as we played many rounds and categories of the game Heads Up.

Day 4: Community and Intention

Community is one of the most valuable parts of human relationships, so day 4 was an incredibly fulfilling day for us. We began the day with a lovely hike before breakfast and then headed to the beach to help clean up trash and debris left by other visitors.

Afterward, we walked to a beautiful private white shell beach where we splashed in the water, took pictures, enjoyed fresh fruits, and sipped on coconuts. We also attracted the attention of all those around us as we played beach volleyball – locals even joined in the game, and it was a blast to connect with kind-hearted Costa Rican people.

We had another fun dinner gathering that evening, and after dinner, we engaged in a habit workshop that helped us all determine our goals and establish an actionable plan to pursue them. With a partner, we shared feedback about our goals, and by the end, we were all excited about the future – especially knowing that the Outrun Gravity team plans to follow up in 3 and 6 weeks to hold us accountable for maintaining those habits.

To top off our last evening together, we danced to live music and enjoyed the festivities as a group. We shared so many laughs and smiles, all feeling grateful for our new friendships.

Day 5: Reflect and Resume

Our final morning began with a soothing yoga flow to prepare us for our departure and travel. We spent a lot of time reflecting and sharing our feelings about the past few days, as well as splitting off to enjoy the last few hours at the stunning resort.

Overall, the Align with Intention retreat was a major success. We grew from strangers into a team and created memories we will never forget. It was an experience unlike any other being able to feel safe as we shared our thoughts and dreams with people with similar interests to our own.

One of the most incredible parts of the journey was the depth of the friendships we formed – two of our participants, Nicole and Maritza, even went from strangers on the trip to now continuing their hiking hobby as they connected back in their home state!

Costa Rica is famous for its gorgeous scenery, delicious fresh foods, and holistic approach to living, which perfectly aligns with the Outrun Gravity mindset. Being immersed in such a serene natural environment inspired us to prioritize what is important – our health and wellness.

For more highlights from Align with Intention, check out the Outrun Gravity website, and keep your eyes open for the announcement of our next retreat – you won’t want to miss it.


Our Align with Intention Wellness Retreat was the experience of a lifetime.

Participants from all over connected in the gorgeous blue zone of Costa Rica for a week-long adventure in the rainforest focused on health and wellness.

Here are some of our favorite highlights from the trip:

  • Cliff jumping into crisp mountain water
  • Hiking through stunning waterfalls and caves
  • Eating refreshing fruits that were seasonal and delicious
  • Breaking a sweat with a famous @courtneycornwalll strength workout
  • Enjoying a restorative yoga flow with Julia at @losaltosdeeros
  • Cleaning up trash from a popular beach
  • Playing volleyball on a private white shell beach with Costa Rican locals
  • Establishing an actionable strategy during a habit-building workshopLearning to cook and prepare dinner with a renowned Costa Rican chef
  • Formed a meaningful community with like-minded people

We will never forget the friendships and memories created during this incredible retreat experience.

Costa Rica is famous for its gorgeous scenery, delicious fresh foods, and holistic approach to living, which perfectly aligns with the Outrun Gravity mindset.

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