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How To Beat The Summer Heat While Exercising

The summertime is hot, but your motivation to remain active can be hotter if you get creative with your exercise routine.

Written By

Courtney Cornwall, Outrun Gravity


Although the summertime is a great opportunity to spend time outdoors, it can be tough to motivate yourself to work out when you break a sweat just by being outside.

Regardless of the heat, maintaining a routine of regular exercise is important all throughout the year.

Here are our top tips to beat the summer heat when exercising:

1. Be selective about the time you exercise.

The time of day you choose to exercise can significantly impact your energy levels – especially during the summertime. The best time to exercise during the summer is early in the morning or late at night when it is cooler to start or finish your workout. If you like to exercise outside, time is everything.

2. Don’t be afraid to move away from traditional forms of working out.

The summer is the perfect time to choose non-traditional exercise forms to get your workout in. For example, instead of going to the gym, a 3-mile hike will surely get your blood pumping – especially if you wear a backpack for extra weight. Hiking is a great opportunity to explore your outdoor surrounding while working toward your fitness goals.

3. Elect for an indoor workout on those especially hot days.

Workout classes with AC are an excellent way to beat the summer heat. Whether you pave your own way at the gym or sign up for a group workout class, air conditioning will be your friend when it is steaming outside.

4. Choose a leisurely form of activity.

Instead of a strict exercise regime, choosing to stay active through leisurely events is a great way to get your workout in. This summer, try taking up tennis or golf and socializing with your friends as you stay moving.

5. Take up swimming as an exercise form.

Swimming is a great way to cool down during the hot summer months, so why not kill two birds with one stone and make swimming your form of exercise as well? Whether you swim laps or leisurely, your muscles and heart will feel the burn from this well-rounded activity.

6. Look for opportunities in your community.

There will always be opportunities for you to remain active in your local community – if you have the willingness to seek them out. Just as there are summer camp options for kids, there will be adult camps, outdoor classes, and community events that take place in your area with the goal of remaining active. A great way to find these events is to utilize your local event bright or lulu lemon store.

Are you looking for an opportunity? If you are in the Mosaic District, we have an upcoming rooftop class at 6:00 PM on August 24th– and we would love for you to join, it’s free!

The summertime is hot, but your motivation to remain active can be hotter if you get creative with your exercise routine. If you are looking for different methods to spice up your workouts this summer, use the season to your advantage and be creative as you navigate the heat. For more advice to optimize your workouts, check out Outrun Gravity.



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